Annual General Meeting 2007

Annual General Meeting 2007

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Annual General Meeting 2007

Download a report on the 2007 AGM here (pdf format, 17KB).

The Annual General Meeting of Northamptonshire Archaeological Society was held at 7pm on Monday 26th November at the Jeffery Room, Guildhall, Northampton.  There was a lecture from Bill Boismier , Senior Archaeologist with Northamptonshire Archaeology, to speak on the subject of:

mammoth"Fear and Loathing in the Middle Palaeolithic:
Mammoths at Lynford Quarry, Norfolk, Neanderthal Hunting or Scavenging?"
At Lynford Quarry, Norfolk an old river channel contained the remains of mammoth, woolly rhinoceros, reindeer, horse, bison, wolf, red or arctic fox and brown bear, along with stone handaxes and other tools, all buried under two to three metres of sands and gravels.  Well-preserved Middle Palaeolithic open-air sites are exceedingly rare in Europe, making Lynford of national and international importance.  However, a key issue of debate is whether the evidence indicates that the Neanderthal population was systematically hunting mammoth or whether they were being opportunistic and scavenging the carcasses of dead mammoths.  Bill Boismier directed the excavations at Lynford Quarry and has been preparing the report.  At the AGM he will provide us with a presentation of the results and discuss the interpretation of these important but contentious remains of our early ancestors.
