The Archaeology of Medieval Northampton

The 2021 edition of the county journal, Volume 41, is a special edition focussing on the medieval archaeology of Northampton.  While published in the journal series, it has also been given a book ISBN number so it can be sold to the public as well as going to members and institutions.

Edited by Any Chapman, this volume contains a series of articles that examine: the archaeology of the pre-Conquest town, including the Anglo-Saxon 'Palaces' east of St Peter's Church; Part 1 of an overview of the history and archaeology of Northampton Castle, with separate articles examining the pre-castle and castle archaeology uncovered in 2013 on the site of the new rail station; a major study of the location of the medieval Jewry and synagogue; shorter articles and notes on aspects of the archaeology of both the town and the broader county, along with book reviews and a roundup of archaeological work in the county 2018-20.

See Volume 41 (2021) for a full contents list and article summaries.

The volume is available from Northampton Archaeological Society, c/o 4 Oat Hill Drive, Northampton, NN3 5AL, or email NAS196674 @ (remove spaces in email address).

At 480 pages with numerous colour and black & white illustrations, it costs £15.00, plus £4.00 p&p.

Cheques made payable to "Northamptonshire Archaeological Society" or email NAS196674 @ (remove spaces in email address) for details of payment by BACS.

An order form is also available to download: Order Form (pdf, 209 KB).