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The following reports on recent archaeological fieldwork undertaken in Northamptonshire were published by NCC's Historic Environment Team (Northamptonshire Heritage) on 30 January 2004.
The reports have been passed to the Northamptonshire Sites and Monuments Record and will be entered into the SMR database system.
SP 8665 9187
Recording Action
Albion Archaeology
Albion Archaeology
was commissioned by Deejak Builders (Rushden) Ltd to undertake and archaeological
recording action in advance of the erection of several buildings near the northern
limit of Rockingham. Prior to development the site consisted of two distinct areas,
bounded by Main Street to the west and a curving lane 'The Cottons' to the east.
The western land parcel consisted of a disused farmyard with a paddock to the
east. The paddock contained relatively well preserved remains of ridge and furrow
cultivation. The earliest evidence for utilisation of the area is a possible prehistoric
pit identified in the evaluation. As this feature was not exposed by the subsequent
development, it was decided to preserve the pit in situ.
A substantial
ditch separated the ridge and furrow from the western area. This was very close
to the existing boundary fence. The only medieval feature identified within the
western land parcel was a slightly curving, recut ditch in the north of the area.
It is probable that the pit identified during the evaluation was actually a continuation
of the curving ditch.
The majority of archaeological features exposed
were post-medieval or later in date. The western land parcel had been severely
affected by Victorian disturbance, which had modified the topography of this area,
with a raised terrace to the south and an extensive depression to the north. Traces
of a substantial building, though to be domestic in form and dating to the 17th-18th
centuries. This building is not depicted on any maps. A well was also found in
proximity to other walls. The proximity of this building to the well suggest that
they were not related. Investigation of the ruined barn to the east revealed evidence
that it had been modified over time. Extensive quarrying extended across the two
land parcels in the central northern part of the site.
From the excavation
of the service trenches along the adjacent roads, it would appear that traces
of hollow-ways were present Gretton Road and Main Street. The topography of the
Cottons suggests that it too may have been set within the base of a depression,
possibly the remnants of another hollow-way.
SP 7532 6033
Desk-based assessment and Trial excavation
ArchaeologyAn archaeological evaluation of land off Kingswell Street and Woolmonger
Street was carried out by Northamptonshire Archaeology in advance of the proposed
redevelopment of the site. The evaluation comprised a desk-based assessment and
archaeological trial excavation. The potential for significant archaeological
remains within the application area, particularly those relating to the development
of the late Saxon and medieval town, was highlighted by the desk-based assessment.
However, trial excavation has shown that much of the site has been extensively
truncated by modern development, from the mid 19th century onwards, and well-preserved
archaeological remains appear to be largely confined to the eastern edge of the
site, beneath the car park. These remains, which broadly date to the 13th and
14th centuries, consisted of a stone wall, a possible hearth, a bread oven or
kiln and a series of deposits, some of which appeared to contain cess and other
domestic refuse. These remains were partly masked by a layer of soil that probably
accumulated in the late medieval to early post-medieval period, and it is likely
that further features survive beneath this layer. Mechanical removal of this layer
could not be carried out due to Health and Safety constraints. Later activity
on the site consisted of the remains of a possible house dating to the late 17th
century, fronting on to Kingswell Street, a pit of a similar date, and the extensive
remains of 19th century buildings. No evidence was found for the 'lost' medieval
lane, 'Lewnyslane' connecting Woolmonger Street and Kingswell Street.
SP 593 385
Watching Brief
Archaeological Services and Consultancy
A watching brief and metal detector survey were undertaken in September
2003 on a site near Brackley, Northamptonshire. The work was undertaken because
the site was adjacent to an area known to contain human burials and settlement
features, of possible Iron Age date. The watching brief revealed a small number
of undated archaeological features and a 16th century copper alloy buckle. No
further burials were observed.
99099 78539
Desk-Based Assessment
Northamptonshire Archaeology
A desk-based assessment was carried out as part of a wider Environmental Impact
Assessment by Halcrow Ltd on behalf of the Environmental Agency, prior to a proposed
Flood Alleviation Scheme at Thrapston and Islip on the River Nene. Three known
archaeological sites occur within the proposed development area. The Islip Hoard
of Roman pewter was found during quarrying. The exact whereabouts of a former
Chapel/Hermitage of St Thomas, which stood at the western end of Thrapston Bridge,
is unknown, but it may be located within this area, together with associated fishponds.
The bridge itself is a Grade II listed building dating from the 12th century but
subject to later and extensive repairs. Two Grade II listed houses occur on the
Islip riverbank in an area which may be provided with a floodwall. The surviving
embankment of the former L&NWR crosses the site and may be added onto by the
proposed eastern embankment.
NGR SP 7173
Watching Brief
Northamptonshire Archaeology
An archaeological
watching brief was undertaken by Northamptonshire Archaeology during construction
of the Weedon Road to St Crispin's link road. No archaeological deposits were
encountered, however a number of unstratified finds were recovered during metal
NGR SP 7540
Northamptonshire Archaeology
Plans to remove
and rebuild an unstable 9m stretch of the north cemetery wall at the Holy Sepulchre
Church, Northampton, entailed a reduction of the surrounding burial ground level
by up to 3m. Archaeological excavation within this area uncovered three burials
from the Victorian period, cut through 4 to 5 feet of imported burial soil, into
a pre mid-19th century horizon. The underlying burial soil contained disarticulated
human bone, suggesting that the graveyard may also have been landscaped. The lower
burial soil contained pottery, glass and tile dating from the 13th century through
to the post-medieval period, and an assemblage of bone tentatively ascribed to
tannery waste. Although the graveyard was apparently closed in the mid-19th century,
burials continued to be interred until the late 19th century.
SP 9615 6858
Watching Brief
Northamptonshire Archaeology
An archaeological
watching brief was undertaken between April to May 2001 on the site of Higham
Ferrers Castle during the course of a housing development. There were no longer
any surface remains of the castle, and the deposits identified below a modern
tarmac and limestone hardcore layer, consisted of make-up layers of clay and limestone
fragments. No archaeological features or finds were recovered.
SP 765 666
Watching Brief & Excavation
Northamptonshire Archaeology
An archaeological recoding action covering c 3.7 ha was carried out in three stages
at Pitsford Quarry on land located to the south of Pitsford village and west of
Moulton College, within Bottom Sheep Dale field. The methodology employed comprised
watching brief followed by excavation. A series of excavations provisionally dated
to the mid-late Iron Age were excavated and recorded.
The first phase of
activity on the site was a pit alignment, comprising 85 pits aligned NNW-SSE,
none of which produced any diagnostic artefacts.
The pit alignment was
superseded by a ditched curvilinear boundary constructed on a roughly north-south
alignment. This feature was maintained over time as a series of recuts.
To the northwest of the boundary a series of substantial ditches defined a number
of large adjoining rectilinear enclosures, probably representing a field system.
Within these large enclosures were a number of smaller rectilinear enclosures,
ring gullies, probably representing the remains of round houses, and several pit
groups. Excavation again showed that considerable effort had gone into the maintainence
of these features, with numerous recuts identified.
To the east of the
boundary occupation was defined by the construction of discrete intercutting rectilinear
enclosures and pit groups. Several of the enclosure ditches had been recut.
The excavations at Bottom Sheep Dale Field revealed a complex sequence of
landscape development and occupation in the mid-late Iron Age. It is proposed
that a full programme of post-excavation works be undertaken to analyse and disseminate
the results.
SP 6072 4856
University of Leicester Archaeology Services
An archaeological watching brief was undertaken by ULAS in 2002, during topsoil
stripping and groundworks for new stock buildings at Oakley Bank Farm, Plumpton,
Northamptonshire (NGR SP6072 4856). The work revealed two Roman ditches with butt-ends,
positioned at right angles to each other. In addition, a small, shallow, pit was
uncovered nearby, containing first century pottery, charcoal and burnt animal
bone. The remains are particularly significant because they represent the first
evidence of late prehistoric and Roman activity in the vicinity. The nearest Roman
town is Towcester, located approximately 10 miles to the south east.
SP 6423 8041
Archaeological Services and Consultancy
During October 2003 an archaeological recording action was carried out
at The Shoulder of Mutton, Welford, Northamptonshire.
Twelve archaeological
features were identified and recorded. These comprised one animal burial, four
pits, two of which contained significant quantities of animal bone, two postholes
and five intercutting ditches. It is considered highly likely that these ditches
had originally functioned as boundary markers. Excavation demonstrated that this
activity could be split into several distinct phases. It is thought that these
boundaries relate to divisions between the backplots of properties lining the
High Street, which lies a short distance to the east.
Medieval and Post
Medieval pottery sherds were recovered from archaeology at the site. The quantities
of pottery, particularly of medieval sherds, were very low, especially when considering
the proximity of the site to the historic core of Welford. Other artefactual material
included Post Medieval horseshoes, glass fragments, two metal buttons and clay
pipe fragments. It is thought that the majority of activity at the site dated
to the Post medieval period. However, there remains a possibility that the earliest
phases may date to the medieval period.
SP 7615 5983
Desk-Based Assessment
Oxford Archaeology
Archaeology has been commissioned by Terence O'Rourke to undertake a desk-based
appraisal of the archaeological implications of the redevelopment of land at Nunn
Mills Delapre. This appraisal incorporates summaries of a separate Deposit Model
and Buildings Assessment.
No Scheduled Ancient Monument or Conservation
Areas will be affected directly or indiretly by the proposed development.
The settings of a Grade II Listed Building and an English Heritage Registered
Battlefield will be slightly indirectly affected by the proposed development.
These sites are assessed as of High Importance although the Significance of the
Environmental affect has been assessed as Minor or None.
The proposed
development will have direct impacts on ten known structures, six of which may
be assessed as of Low importance, with the significance of Environmental Effect
assessed as moderate, and four of the structures may be assessed as Very Low Importance
with the significance of Environmental Effect assessed as minor. Impacts to these
structures may be mitigated by a program of recording subject to the approval
of the County Council's Planning Archaeologist.
The environs of the post-medieval
Nunn Mill, and any features relating to the medieval mill, its facilities, or
bridges of the medieval period are assessed as of Uncertain but potentially High
Importance with the Significance of the Environmental Effect assessed as possibly
The results of the deposit model show that the combined depth
of overburden above the natural gravel surface varies between c 1.0 m and 7.2
m, composed of c0.50m to 3.50m of made ground and c 0.50m to 3.70m of alluvium.
The thickest combined overburden occurs in the western and north-east sectors
of the site.
The deposit model indicates the potential of the proposed
development area to include features and deposits from the Palaeolithic to the
medieval period buried below alluvium deposited in the medieval period. These
may be assessed as of Uncertain but potentially High or Very High Importance,
with the significance of Environmental Effect assessed as Major or possibly Severe.
Also sealed below the alluvium may be palaeoenvironmental deposits, including
preserved pollen, plant macro-remains and insects.
Above the alluvium, the
proposed development area has the potential to contain deposits and features dating
from the later medieval period to the modern period. There is a higher likelihood
of later medieval features in the environs of Nunn Mill. The importance of such
potential features or deposits may be regarded as ranging from the very low (e.g.
modern building features) to high (e.g. substantial evidence for medieval bridges).