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The county archaeological journal Northamptonshire Archaeology, includes reports on fieldwork, excavations and other discoveries in the County. Financial support for publication comes from commercial archaeology. Contributions are welcome from anyone with an interest in Northamptonshire's past. It is distributed nationally and internationally and every member of NAS with a current subscription receives a free copy of the journal. From Volume 35, 2008, the journal moved to A4 format and digital printing, making possible the direct insertion of colour photographs and colour plans. If you are planning to contribute to the next volume please read "Notes For Contributors" (pdf, 241kB).
Tables of Contents, with abstracts, are available for the following volumes:
Contents & Place-name Index (pdf, 1.17 MB) The Society has a limited stock of back-copies of some journals. These are available for £5 per volume with postage & packing at £3.50 per volume. They can also be collected from the Editor. Contact for details and enquiries: NAS196674 @ gmail.com (remove spaces in email address). |
Northamptonshire Archaeology available online
It has been along journey, but all back issues of the county archaeological journal Northamptonshire Archaeology are now available online, free to all, through the Archaeology Data Service (ADS).
The journals are available on this link: doi.org/10.5284/1083067, (a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), providing a permanent link to this resource). Alternatively, you can search through the ADS website: (archaeologydataservice.ac.uk/library/), following the chain: Library Home> Browse> Series> Series.
For each issue you are offered a Contents screen, and can download pdf copies article by article.
A full index is available here: Contents & Place-name Index (pdf download, 1.45 MB) Northamptonshire Archaeology Volume 1 (1966) - Volume 41 (2021) or from the Editor at NAS196674 @ gmail.com (remove spaces in email address).
If you have any difficulties with using ADS, copies of any articles can also be obtained directly from the Editor by emailing NAS196674 @ gmail.com (remove spaces in email address).
The 2021 edition of the county journal, Volume 41, is a special edition focussing on the medieval archaeology of Northampton. While published in the journal series, it has also been given a book ISBN number so it can be sold to the public as well as going to members and institutions. Edited by Any Chapman, this volume contains a series of articles that examine: the archaeology of the pre-Conquest town, including the Anglo-Saxon ‘Palaces’ east of St Peter's Church; Part 1 of an overview of the history and archaeology of Northampton Castle, with separate articles examining the pre-castle and castle archaeology uncovered in 2013 on the site of the new rail station; a major study of the location of the medieval Jewry and synagogue; shorter articles and notes on aspects of the archaeology of both the town and the broader county, along with book reviews and a roundup of archaeological work in the county 2018-20. See Volume 41 (2021) for a full contents list and article summaries. The volume is available from Northampton Archaeological Society, c/o 4 Oat Hill Drive, Northampton, NN3 5AL, or email NAS196674 @ gmail.com (remove spaces in email address). At 480 pages with numerous colour and black & white illustrations, it costs £15.00, plus £4.00 p&p. Cheques made payable to "Northamptonshire Archaeological Society" or email NAS196674 @ gmail.com (remove spaces in email address) for details of payment by BACS. An order form is also available to download: Order Form (pdf, 209 KB). |
"Dennis Jackson
A Northamptonshire Archaeologist"
" This book offers an insight into the dedication and achievements of a remarkable British archaeologist: It is also a significant contribution to the history of our vibrant discipline. Dennis's active and highly creative life in archaeology is a remarkable story of forty years of devotion, charting the determination of one man to rescue the fast disappearing remains of our past undeterred by pressure from quarry managers, unhelpful bureaucracy and bitter winters. " (Professor Barry Cunliffe)
Northamptonshire Archaeological Society in collaboration with Dennis Jackson and his family published the autobiography of Dennis Jackson in 2010. It follows his carrer through the ‘Rescue’ archaeoloogy of the 1960s, and continuing through thte 1970s and into the 1980s, often working with little assistance and covering many fo the ironstone quarries around Corby and gravel quarries along the Nene valley.
The end result is a body of work spanning most periods and site types: Neolithic and Bronze Age burials, Roman settlements and an Anglo-Saxon cemetery, but Dennis will be remembered more than anything for his work on numberous Iron Age settlements, including several almost completely excavated sites and the most recent investigations at the Hunsbury hillfort, Northampton.
While this is Dennis' personal story, it also chronicales the many changes that have taken place in the world of field archaeology over a period of some 30 years. The book also includes reviews of pit alignments, Iron Age settlement studies and a proposed chronology for Iron Age pottery assemblages in Northamptonshire.
179 pages, illustrated throughout in colour and black and white.
This publication has now sold out, but second-hand copies may be available, and we hope to be able to make it available online through the Archaeology Data Service in the future.
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The Archaeology of Northamptonshire Northampton Archaeological Society was formed in 1974. Thirty years later NAS was still going strong and it was decided that an overview of the county's archaeological record should be published. The book, The Archaeology of Northamptonshire, was published in 2004, with 200 pages and 125 illustrations (black and white and colour). It was edited by Martin Tingle with the period chapters written by a variety of authors.
Martin Tingle: Archaeology in Northamptonshire The Archaeology of Northamptonshire sold out some years ago, but it is still available free of charge as Chapter by Chapter pdf downloads on the Archeology Data Service (ADS). The direct link for the NAS monograph series: (doi.org/10.5284/1050887), is a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) which provides a permanent link to this resource. Alternatively, you can serach through the ADS website: (archaeologydataservice.ac.uk/library/), following the chain: Library Home> Browse Series> Series> Monograph (in Series). The monograph can be downloaded chapter by chapter, including the bibliography, the index and the set of colour plates. |
A regular newsletter is sent to all members to inform them of meetings, conferences,
public lectures and specially arranged visits to sites of archaeological or historic
interest. It also publicises the activities of other historical and archaeological
groups within the County.
Latest issue September 2024 (pdf, 798 kB)
Contents: NAS AGM and public lecture 17 October at 7pm - public lecture by Prof Sarah Scott from the University of Leicester, NAS subscriptions,NAS turns fifty this year and is looking for new committee members, NAS visit to Northamptonshire Archives on 21 October at 7pm, Treasurer's Annual Report, Annual Report of the Journal Editor and Secretary, John M Steane's obituary, Stanwick Lakes talk "A Walk Through Time" on 20 October at 1.30pm by Andy Chapman, CBA South Midlands Autumn Conference on 17 November, 31st Annual Brixworth Lecture on 2 November at 5pm "The Reign of Offa of Mercia in Context" by Prof Rory Naismith, Archaeological workshops at The Chester House Estate on 29 and 30 October, Raunds Area Project website, NAS accounts..
Back Issues available: | |
May 2024 (pdf, 867 kB) |
Northamptonshire Archaeology 2023, volume 42, NAS walking tour of Towcester Thursday, 13 June, at 7.30pm, Stanwick Lakes Iron Age Settlement Open Day on Saturday, 1 June 2024, 11:00am - 4:00pm, NAS tour of Irchester Roman Town and a tour of The ARC at Chester House Estate on Thursday, 4 July 2024, a number of historic craft workshops taking place at the Chester House Estate, Wicksteed Park, Heritage Fair Sunday, 29 April 2024, "Heritage on the radio with Mike Curtis" - a new radio show focused on Northamptonshire’s Heritage on Rushden Community Radio station. |
March 2024 (pdf, 1.92 MB) |
NAS AGM officers and council members, NAS walking tour of Towcester 13th June, Northamptonshire Archaeology Vol. 42, Middle Nene Archaeological Group Excavation 17th - 31st August, PAS finds on library tour: "Unearthed", Tour of Old Black Lion for local architects report, MOLA pop-up Archaeology Shop event on March 30th, Wicksteed Park Heritage Fair on Sunday 29th April, "Neolithic pits, late Bronze Age/early Iron Age pit alignments and Iron Age to Roman settlements at Wollaston Quarry, Northamptonshire" by Rob Atkins and Ian Meadows, Friends of Billing Road Cemetery Northampton group launch, a report by Brian Giggins - The Use of Tree Ring Dating (Dendrochronology) in Studying Urban Buildings, major new publication about Must Farm Settlement. |
October 2023 (pdf, 589 kB) |
NAS AGM and public lecture "The Rutland Villa:Beyond the Achilles Mosaic" by Jeremy Taylor (Lecturer in Archaeology at the University of Leicester), NAS subscriptions, NAS Accounts 2022-2023, Northamptonshire Journals 42 and 43, message from the Chair, funding of a Bronze Age gold bracelet, new archaeology courses in Northamptonshire, online courses by Northamptonshire Adult Learning Service, Northamptonshire Roman Roads study group, Brixworth Annual Lecture "Preaching in English in Anglo-Saxon England" By Dr Helen Gittos (University of Oxford), MOLA publications about three archaeological sites in Northamptonshire, Save the St James Tram and Bus Depot campaign, news from Northamptonshire Historic Environment Record, Northamptonshire Industrial Archaeology Winter Programme (Oct 2023 - Mar 2024). |
August 2023 (pdf, 490 kB) |
Heritage Open Days Special Edition with a list of venues opening - Abington Park Museum, St Peter's Church, The Old Black Lion, "Behind the Scenes at the Northamptonshire Archive" Northamptonshire Record Office, "Bombs, Bankruptcy and Bigamy. Mary Maxwell Channell's experiment in Rural Industrialisation" plus "Heritage Bus Servies" at Northampton Museum and Art Gallery, Northampton Castle Guided Walks, Delapre Abbey, Friends of West Hunsbury Parks - Scheduled Monumnet Iron-Age hillfort and Viking re-enactment at Hunsbury Hill Country Park, St Matthews Church, Kingsley Park Methodist Church, The Playhouse Theatre, The Savoy - The home of the Deco Theatre, Northampton Quaker Meeting House, Northamptonshire Natural History Society, The Charles Rennie Mackintosh House, The Guildhall, Stanwick Lakes Heritage, Chester House Estate, NAS Subsciptions, sale of older journals. |
March 2023 (pdf, 1.42 MB) |
NAS upcoming visit to Chester House Estate, NAS subscriptions, Northamptonshire Archaeology Journal: Vol. 41 still available, Vol. 42 in production and some printed back copies now available, NAS to underwrite the purchase of a a Bronze Age gold bracelet terminal for Northampton Museum & Art Gallery, NASNews Digital archive available, publication of a new book on Hellenistic and Roman Crete by NAS Chair Michael J Curtis as joint editor, Adult Learning Course this summer on Monasteries in the Landscape, list of available talks by Andy Chapman, spring conference of CBA South Midland (joint meeting with CBA East Midlands) programme "Reviewing the Late Bronze Age and Iron Age in the East Midlands", Roman Finds Group conference, Stanwick Lakes round barrow - Iron Age ‘village’ and log boat projects, proposed Heritage Gateway information boards show wrong scale for Northampton Castle, Colchester's heritage, Greensted, Essex: the only Saxon timber church, Brixworth lecture by NAS Chair - "A Transitioning Landscape: Northamptonshire in the Northern Territory of the Catuvellauni Tribe". |
September 2022 (pdf, 2.05 MB) |
NAS AGM and public lecture "3,000 Years of Life and Death at Overstone Northampton by Simon Markus (Project Manager with MOLA Northampton), NAS subscriptions and accounts, The Journal Volume 41, message from the Chair, NAS visit to Warkton Roman villa, NAS visit to Fotheringhay Castle and Church, Irchester Field School 20022 and Nene Valley Communities, Past and Present: Festival of History Archaeology and Heritage, Archaeology and Ancient History with Northamptonshire Adult Learning Services, CBA South Midlands Autumn Conference. |
June 2022 (pdf, 576 kB) |
NAS site visit to Warkton, Kettering (Iron Age settlement and Roman villa) on Sunday 3 July at 2pm, "Traditional Crafts Past and Present" at Stanwick Lakes on Sunday 26 June from 10am to 4pm, guided tour by archaeologist Andy Chapman around Stanwick Lakes on Sunday 3 July at 1.15pm (booking essential), talk about "The Bronze Age round barrows at Stanwick Lakes" by archaeologist Andy Chapman on Tuesday 5 July from 7:15 to 8:30pm (book on Eventbrite), talk about "Medieval Gardens, including the monastery garden" on Sunday 17 July at 2pm by historic gardener Michael Brown, talk on Sunday 24 July at 2pm by Neil Busby about "An introduction to the history of Stanwick Lakes" (book on Eventbrite), Nene Valley Hertiage Festival on Sunday 26 June from 10am to 4pm, archaeological dig in partnership with Leicester University is now open with free tours of the dig and the ARC centre. |
March 2022 (pdf, 1.4 MB) |
Special edition of the journal Northamptonshire Archaeology Vol. 41 2021 "The Archaeology of Medieval Northampton, community archaeology taster day at The Chester House Estate on Sunday May 15th, NAS tour of Oundle and Oundle Museum on May 1st, NAS visit to Fotheringhay Castle on May 29th, "Exploring Towcester's Hidden Histories" book review, Albion Archeology monograph about results of investigations of Iron Age settlements due to two housing developments in Brackley, "The Romans in the Nene Valley" book review, Northamptonshire Adult Learning Summer Courses, Everyday Heritage Grants: Celebrating Working Class Histories, 2026 deadline lifted for registering Englands footpaths, Michael Gove drops the Ox-Cam arc of development between Oxford and Cambridge, fictional writing set in Towcester by Brian Giggins to illustrate excavations and historical research - "The Roman Tavern Keeper's Story". |
October 2021 (pdf, 1.2 MB) |
NAS AGM and public lecture on Zoom on Tuesday, 2 November, at 7.00pm with talk by Lyn Blackmore of MOLA about "The Prittlewell ‘Prince' a rich Anglo-Saxon burial in the local and wider context", NAS subscriptions, Borough Hill hillfort, Daventry photos, Northampton Museum & Art Gallery guided tour, news about the new journal - Northamptonshire Archaeology, 41, 2021 The Archaeology of Medieval Northampton and list of articles, "The Changing Face of Archaeology", "The forthcoming Planning Bill", "Angel Street, Northampton: Uncovering the first medieval chess workshop to be found in Britain", "Old Towcester: The Roman building below Towcester parish church", ‘Discover Centre' at Northampton Central Library, Northamptonshire Adult Learning Programme for the Autumn (including archaeology classes), CLASP dig September 2021: Anglo-Saxon cemetery, Irthlingborough Archaeological Society, Chester House Official Opening, Trainee Archaeologist Opportunity, Help Wanted: Hardwick Park Wellingborough, Books to donate to The ARC. |
April 2021 (pdf, 554 kB) |
Message from the Chair, Northamptonshire Archaeology Vol. 41, future NAS online talks, Overstone Gate, Council for British Archaeology South Midlands group conference, local society news, Recovery Awards, Northants Adult Learning Courses, Research Project on Public Benefit seeks feedback, Book Reviews, Recent Publications, Obituaries. |
December 2020 (pdf, 684 kB) |
NAS AGM and public lecture "Historic Town Buildings of Northamptonshire (Monday, 18 January 2021 on Zoom), Old Shipmans pub in Market Square refurbishment, subscription reminder, 50 years of "Northamptonshire Archaeology" journal now freely avaialble online through the Archaeology Data Service, news of the upcoming journal "Northamptionshire Archaeology Vol. 41", upcoming obituaries, list of 2020 publications, Northamptonshire and the Heritage at Risk Register 2020, announcement of new NAS Vice Presidents. |
April 2020 (pdf, 832 kB) |
Chair's report, Pat Foster obituary, Chester Farm 2019, new Archaeological Resource Centre Curator appointed, new archaeological group formed - Brigstock Archaeological Group, council-owned sites and their responsibility for them, NAS grants, Current Archaeology LIVE conference, Centre for English Local History - Marc Fitch House, status of fieldwork, CLASP excavations, Nene Valley Archaeological Trust, MidNAG excavations, archaeology in lockdown, contact details. |
Spring 2020 (pdf, 431 kB) |
NAS accounts update, NA journal update regarding the Northampton special edition, Cresswell Crags Appeal, visit to the Palaeolithic caves of northern Spain. |
October 2019 (pdf, 753 kB) |
NAS AGM and public lecture on Tuesday, 12th November with Chris Chinnock (MOLA) talking about "Borough Hill Hillfort Community Project", subscription reminder, new Northamptonshire Archaeology Volume 40 2019 journal, work starts on Volune 41, Data Protection information, report on garden party visit to Buckingham Palace, NAS grants in 2019, CBA South Midlands conference on Saturday, 20th October (Roman villa landscapes in the region), The Brixworth Lecture "From Mercia to England: Warfare and Conquest in the Midlands, c. 865-973" by Dr Gareth Williams (Curator of Medieval Coins, British Museum) on Saturday, 26th October 2019, University of Leicester training courses, Piddington Dice Tower, excavations at Raunds, celebrations for 200 years of the Friends Meeting House at Wellingborough. |
May 2019 (pdf, 468 kB). |
NAS AGM November 2018 report, Northamptonshire Archaeology online resource, Northamptonshire Archaeology Journals 40 & 41 in preparation, West Cotton, Raunds and the diet of medieval peasants, book news, 7th Century necklace from Hardingstone, upcoming events. |
October 2018 (pdf, 652 kB). |
NAS AGM and public lecture by Paul Stamper on "Legacies of the First World Waron" on Tuesday 13th November, message from the Chair, subscription reminder, news regarding "Northampton Archaeology" Volume 40 2018 and Volume 41 2019, Annual Brixworth Lecture on Saturday, 27th October by Michael Wood talking about "King Æthelstan and the Making of England", CBA South Midlands Autumn conference featuring "Buildings of the South Midlands" on Sunday, 28th October, NAS Tour of Northamptonshire Record Office on 22nd January 2019, fieldwork updates (CLASP, Borough Hill in Daventry, historic Towcester survey), museum exhibitions (Kettering, Peterborough), Northampton stone type series, request for Facebook stories. |
Spring 2018 (pdf, 609 kB). |
Message from the new Chair (Mark Holmes), list of Society officers and other AGM news, Northamptonshire Archaeology Volume 39 2017 and news of Volumes 40 and 41, upcoming tour of Dealpre Abbey on 4th July, NAS Archaeological Conference 2019, New Data Protection Act (GDPR), Northampton: ‘Fanfare for the Castle', Towcester: historic building recording project, Irchester: Chester Farm, Fotheringhay Castle, Nassington, Bozeat, Piddington, Summer Reading: bargains at Oxbow Books, Accounts for the year ending 31st September 2017. |
October 2017 (pdf, 463 kB) |
NAS AGM and public lecture on 14th November at 7pm "The Rothwell Charnel Chapel Project" (poster, pdf 622 kB), subscription reminder, Northamptonshire Archaeology Vol. 39, "The Origins of Northampton" a walk on 1st June 2017, Chester Farm website, CBA South Midlands Conference on 5th November 2017, 35th Annual Brixworth Lecture on 28th October "Pleasure of the Pulpit: Anglo-Saxon Preaching as a Guide to Life in the Community". |
May 2017 (pdf, 263 kB) |
"The Origins of Northampton" - a walk and talk by Andy Chapman on Thursday June 1st at 7pm, MOLA has moved premises, Staffordshire hoard exhibition at Birmingham Museum, Eleanor Cross maintenance responsibility clarified, Chester Farm website and guided tours, "Northampton Archaeology Vol. 39" being copyedited, "Northampton Archaeology Vol. 40" special edition in progress, Spring bargains from Oxbow Books. |
September 2016 (pdf, 756 kB) |
NAS AGM and public lecture "People and pots in medieval Northamptonshire" by Paul Blinkhorn, subscription reminder, CLASP AGM details, CBA South Midlands Conference, 34th Annual Brixworth Lecture, new website covering all aspects of the Chester Farm development, upcoming publication of Northamptonshire Archaeology Volume 39 (2017), apologies for no summer NASNews and appeal for email details so members can be kept informed of updates.The posters mentioned as attachments within the September 2016 newsletter are available as a single download: posters (pdf, 756 kB) |
March 2016 (pdf, 542kB) |
Northamptonshire Archaeology, Vol. 38 2015 now available plus a Letter to the Society from
Northamptonshire County Council regarding the delivery of heritage services.
The documents mentioned as attachments within the March 2016 newsletter are available to download as these separate links:
October 2015 (pdf, 252kB) | Details of NAS AGM and public lecture ("Continuity and change in the local landscape"), report on the summer meeting ("A walking tour of Towcester"), 33rd Annual Brixworth lecture in November, exhibition to celebrate 150 years of Northampton Museums and Art Gallery including "A History of Brewing in Northampton", British Museum exhibition "Celts: art and identity", Paul Blinkhorn giving 12 weekly talks on "The archaeology of Anglo-Saxon and Viking England", content of "Northamptonshire Archaeology Vol. 38" journal to be published in the New Year. |
June 2015 (pdf, 434kB) | Summer meeting (A walking tour of Towcester on 30th July), history displays at new Northampton Station, Angel Street excavation information, recent book publications, NAS journal now out at upcoming November AGM, National Heritage List for England free download web address, letter to Councillor Harker regarding the pressure on heritage services. |
October 2014 (pdf, 756kB) | Details about the upcoming NAS AGM and public lecture on Thursday 6th November - "Reflections on Medieval Northampton" by John Williams, new NAS Treasurer, subscription reminder, short report on NAS 40th anniversary celebrations at Sywell Country Park (Ancient Crafts weekend) in September, forthcoming and current events. |
August 2014 (pdf, 1.2Mb) | Report on Chester Farm visit, new membership fees, upcoming AGM in November including talk by John Williams - "Reflections on Medieval Northampton", progress of Northamptonshire Archaeology journal Vol.38, comment on sale of Sekhemka statue by Northampton Borough Council, deserted medieval villages in Northants designated scheduled monuments, list of various events and talks including Ancient Crafts Weekend. |
July 2014 (pdf, 227kB) | Information about archaeology open days at the Project Angel site of the new County Hall at Angel Street, Northampton. |
April 2014 (pdf, 644kB) | Details of upcoming Chester Farm site tour on Saturday, June 7th 2014. |
February 2014 (pdf, 171kB) | Possible visit to Chester Farm and Irchester Roman town, NAS 40th Anniversary weekend event at Sywell Country Park with "Ancient Crafts" theme, upcoming Northamptonshire Archaeology Vol 38, Northamptonshire Archaeology joins MOLA, English Heritage New Model: Consultation, Site of the Battle of Norhtampton 1460: Consevation Management Plan, link regarding article on Northampton Castle and excavations in British Archaeology. |
October 2013 (pdf, 690kB) | NAS AGM 2013 details (including a lecture by Sarah Tarlow of Leicester University "The Criminal Corpse: Disposing of the remains of exectured criminals in the 18th Century"), subscription reminder, visit to Rothwell Crypt and Ossuary, NAS 40th anniversary celebration, November talks, Northampton Museum exhibit - King Richard III facial reconstruction. |
July 2013 (pdf, 2.5Mb) | NAS visit to excavations at Piddington Roman Villa, book news, Northamptonshire Archaeology to merge with Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA), excavation of Northampton Castle before development at Northampton Rail Station. |
April 2013 (pdf, 82kB) | NAS Spring meeting with a talk by Marcus Roberts entitled "History & Archaeology of the Northampton Jews", Northamptonshire Archaeology Vol. 37 not stocked by Northampton Library, Northamptonshire Archaeology Vol. 38 planned for 2014 to coincide with 40th anniversary of NAS, list of recent publications, excavation at Northampton Castle Station, new NAS email address. |
September 2012 (pdf, 300kB) | NAS AGM and public lecture "Why medieval peasants are important" by Christopher Dyer Leverhulme Research Fellow Emeritus Professor of Regional and Local History, University of Leicester. Subscription reminder. Autumn events. Northamptonshire Archaeology information. |
July 2012 (pdf, 69kB) | Northamptonshire Archaeology Vol. 37 news, summer and autumn events listings, NAS AGM 2012 information, NAS on Facebook. |
Jan 2012 (pdf, 200kB) | Information about a joint talk with the Northampton Branch of the Historical Association - "The Origins of the English Village Revisited" by Prof. Christopher Dyer, University of Leicester. |
October 2011 (pdf, 1.13Mb) | NAS AGM & public lecture "Recent work on the Roman small town of Irchester" by Ian Meadows, NAS on Facebook, Northamptonshire Archaeology Vol. 37 postponement, joint meeting with Historical Association (Northampton Branch) on 9th Feb 2012 "The Origins of the English Village Revisited" by Prof. Christopher Dyer of the University of Leicester plus list of their upcoming lectures, NAS visit to Buckingham Palace garden party, Portable Antiquities Scheme surgeries, order form for Dennis Jacksons' book "Dennis Jackson: A Northamptonshire Archaeologist", AGM & lecture flyer. |
Sept 2011 (pdf, 44kB) | New NAS Facebook page, Heritage Open Days (Heritage Fair at the Holy Sepulchre Church Rooms, Sheep Street, Northampton& The buried Roman town at Chester Farm, Irchester). |
May 2011 (pdf, 465kB) | AGM report, new Discover centre at Northampton Central Library, Dennis Jackson book sales disappointing, Summer events list, arson attack at Stanwick Lakes Iron Age roundhouse, cuts attack heritage at Northamptonshire County Council, future NAS events. |
October 2010 (pdf, 987kB) |
NAS AGM includes book launch and public lecture, list of candidates for committee (new Treasurer needed), new book "Dennis Jackson a Northamptonshire Archaeologist", Northamptonshire Archaeology Vol. 36 available at AGM, new BIAB website, subscription reminder, winter lectures, Towcester Museum and Visitor Centre, Council for British Archaeology South Midlands Autumn Conference and Annual General Meeting - "Recent fieldwork in Bedfordshire by Albion Archaeology", 28th annual All Saints' lecture - "Who served the altar at Brixworth? Clergy in English minsters c. 800 to c. 1100" by Julia Barrow. |
June 2010 (pdf, 154kB) | New committee members, news of Northampton Archaeology Vol. 36, Dennis Jackson's autobiography near completion, archaeology & planning in Northants, online archaeology reports, NIAG summer walk programme, list of Portable Antiquities Scheme finds surgeries, new Corby Heritage Centre, list of summer events, Conference on the Battle of Northampton details, upcoming publication "West Cotton, Raunds: a study of medieval settlement dynamics AD 450-1450. Excavation of a deserted medieval hamlet in Northamptonshire 1985-89" by Andy Chapman, news from the Upper Nene Archaeological Society and Piddington Roman Villa, new publications. |
October 2009 (pdf, 195kB) | NAS AGM and Public Lecture "Village Origins: Raunds, Furnells Manor and West Cotton" by Andy Chapman, Subscription reminder, Northamptonshire Archaeology Journal publication delayed, Upcoming publication of Dennis Jackson's autobiography, Northampton Archaeology journals online, Upcoming winter lectures |
June 2009 (pdf, 258kB) | New Stanwick Lakes Visitor Centre, Archaeological Tour of Stanwick Lakes, Northamptonshire Archaeology journals now available online, Whitehall Roman Villa Open Day, Festival of British Archaeology, English Heritage Festival of History weekend, The Medieval Landscape of Nassington: a Guided Walk, NAS Visit to Piddington Roman Villa excavations. |
April 2009 (pdf, 55kB) | RESCUE AGM and meeting, Council for British Archaeology (South Midlands) Spring Conference with the theme "Grist to the mill: recent work on windmills and watermills" , feedback on Northamptonshire Archaeology Vol. 35 (2008) and Vol. 36 (2009) in preparation. |
October 2008 (pdf, 57kB) | NAS AGM details with public lecture by Professor Stephen Upex ("Roman Settlement and Landscape in the Lower Nene Valley") - Northampton Archaeology Vol. 35 published - subscription reminder - Higham Ferrers Archaeology and Research Society. |
July 2008 (pdf, 1Mb) | National Archaeology Week - National Archaeology Day report - recent publications. |
March 2008 (pdf, 127kB) | Northamptonshire Archaeology Day publicity - upcoming Northampton Archaeology Vol. 35 - Portable Antiquiities Scheme in Northamptonshire and list of surgeries - 2007 AGM minutes. |
October 2007 (pdf, 24kB) | NAS AGM details with public lecture by Bill Boismier ("Fear and Loathing in the Middle Palaeolithic") - Northampton Archaeology Vol. 34 - subscription reminder - "A New Museum for Northampton?" article. |
July 2007 (pdf, 24kB) | National Archaeology Week publicity - Northamptonshire Archaeology and Northamptonshire Record Office Open Day - archaeological walk and talk by Dewi Morrison - opportunity to help out at Prebendal Manor excavation. |
October 2006 (pdf, 24kB) | NAS AGM with public lecture by Andrew Selkirk - recent publications - NAS journal back issues available as well as other older publications. |
April 2006 (rtf) | "Council Axes Heritage Service" article - new Chair and Journal Editor - back issues of NAS journal available - Northampton Archaeology Vol. 32 out and 33 upcoming - 30th Anniversary photographic competition - Portable Antiquities Scheme newsletter no. 4 available. |
October 2005 (rtf) | NAS AGM & public lecture by Steve Parry ("Landscapes of Uncertainty. New Questions Conceerning Ancient Settlements in the East Midlands; the View from Raunds") - "The Archaeology of Northamptonshire" book selling well - Northamptonshire Archaeology Vol. 31 in preparation - 30th Anniversary Photographic Competition closing date - Portable Antiquities Scheme newsletter no. 3 available and launch of children's website - 23rd Brixworth lecture ("Music to Adorn the Liturgy of the Anglo-Saxon church") - appeal to save fingerposts and milestones - interactive environmental mapping website - subscription reminder. |
February 2005 (rtf) | NAS AGM report - appeal to support local museums - new book "The Archaeology of Northamptonshire" - 30th Anniversary Photographic Competition deadline extended - Northamptonshire Archaeology Vol. 31 now out - Portable Antiquities Scheme newsletter no. 2 out and their Annual Report 2003-4 - free English Heritage leaflets. |
October 2004 (rtf) | NAS AGM & 30th Anniversary Lecture by Francis Pryor "Life in Prehistoric Flag Fen: 30 Years of Research in a Nutshell" - upcoming book "The Archaeology of Northamptonshire" - 30th Anniversary Photographic Competition - Time Team dig near Grafton Regis (technically in Bucks) - Portable Antiquities Scheme surgeries - subscription reminder. |
April 2004 (rtf) | Daventry Museum closure - Northampton Archaeology Vol. 31 under preparation - Hunsbury Hillfort grant - Irchester, Chester Farm & Roman Town - Portable Antiquities Scheme Surgeries - subscription reminder. |
November 2003 (rtf) | NAS AGM and public lecture by Stephen Young entitled "The Whitehall Villa and its Landscape" and copies of "The Archaeology of Northamptonshire" available - subscription reminder - "Historic Environment Records: Benchmarks for Good Practice" consultation - "Northamptonshire Stone": new book by Diana Sutherland - Heritage Link email digest |
September 2003 (rtf) | Advance notice of AGM - Northampton Archaeology Vol. 30 under preparation - "The Archaeology of Northamptonshire" publishing delayed - "Protecting Our Historic Environment: Making the System Work Better": review consultation launched in July by the Department of Culture, Media and Sports (DCMS) - CBA South Midlands AGM and talk by Steve Lawrence "Higham Ferrers" - County Council Historic Environment Services Update - appeal for information on Marked Window Leads - New Northamptonshire Finds Liaison Officer - |
January 2003 (rtf) | County Council plans savage cuts to Historic Environment Team - State of the Historic Environment Report 2002 (SHER) - South Midlands & Milton Keynes Study - 2002 AGM and talk by Dr Chris Burgess "The Lock Doon Scandal" - NAS excavation backfilling at Stowe Nine Churches. |