A regular newsletter is sent to all members to inform them of meetings, conferences, public lectures and specially arranged visits to sites of archaeological or historic interest. It also publicises the activities of other historical and archaeological groups within the County.
Latest issue September 2024 (pdf, 798 kB)
Contents: NAS AGM and public lecture 17 October at 7pm - public lecture by Prof Sarah Scott from the University of Leicester, NAS subscriptions,NAS turns fifty this year and is looking for new committee members, NAS visit to Northamptonshire Archives on 21 October at 7pm, Treasurer's Annual Report, Annual Report of the Journal Editor and Secretary, John M Steane's obituary, Stanwick Lakes talk "A Walk Through Time" on 20 October at 1.30pm by Andy Chapman, CBA South Midlands Autumn Conference on 17 November, 31st Annual Brixworth Lecture on 2 November at 5pm "The Reign of Offa of Mercia in Context" by Prof Rory Naismith, Archaeological workshops at The Chester House Estate on 29 and 30 October, Raunds Area Project website, NAS accounts..